Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sometimes you need a pick-me-up

Usually, when I say the word "pick-me-up" I am making fun of how my aunt refers to her Manhattans.
[blech, whiskey and I make horrible decisions]
but today, I needed one.
(A pick me up, not a Manhattan.)

So I spent some time on

Tumblr: nothing
Pinterest? Meh.
Facebook? Made it worse.

and then I remembered a blog I used to follow religiously.

I present to you, Craftastrophe.
the most hilarious play on words with the best results.

this, my dears. is the pinnacle of craftastrophes, and it is the first thing that greets you when you get to the site. Shocking I know, but that baby-pede is really just a primer for whats coming up next.

(This stuff is NSFL, let alone NSFW. know...keep it at home people.)

This is one of those "I wish I had thought of this first!" kind of sites. But the comments after all of these pictures make me laugh. Especially when she lists the prices people are charging for what they have made.

Now, I'm a holder of the belief that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
but sometimes the beholder is blind, and the results make me laugh.
A lot.
I mean, if you want to say that baby-pede is a metaphor for the human condition, go right ahead. The human condition is fucking weird though.

The baby-pede will always be my absolute favorite, but it loses its shock value after page 19 or so. So here are some of my other favorites:

From Russia, For Love, Probably

A moose poop necklace (I shit you not. har.har.)

and this wonderful ensemble:

So, how many clothespins died for your boobtube?

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